Sunday, April 15, 2007

Terror in the Night

Stephen and I often have a lot of fun telling people stories of his strange sleep habits, namely his narcolepsy and his sleep talking/walking/adventures. Some of the stories people laugh at--like the time he fell asleep while playing "Jailbreak" and woke up three hours later to people calling his name, crying, praying, believing (based on the trail of blood they found) that he had been dragged off by a wild beast. Others grow concerned about him--like the time he dressed himself and literally drove to work in his sleep at 3 am, only to be woken up by the guard knocking on his window and asking him what he was doing there. And still others are concerned for me, now sleeping beside him, as they hear stories of him rolling over on top of his best friend in the middle of the night, covering his mouth and saying "shhh!!!" then counting slowly to 3 while looking around fearfully, rolling back over and returning to silent sleep. His friend was terrified. They ask me if I'm ever concerned for my safety with such an unpredictable sleeping partner. I answer that I was slightly apprehensive at first, but as he hadn't done anything really scary yet, I basically forgot about it.

Until last night.

I had come down with a dreadful cold and laid around on the couch blowing my nose, trying to sleep, and watching movies and reading all day. However, sleep was not coming easily for me, so I asked Stephen to pick up some NyQuil on his way home from work. After 3 Walgreens and a CVS, he finally found a place that was open at 11 PM. I thanked him profusely (as well as for the little chocolates he brought me. I promised I wouldn't eat them 'til I was better though), took a dose, and went to bed. I woke up a couple of times, like normal, but went right back to sleep.

But at about 3 am, I was startled from a peaceful slumber by Stephen, towering above me in bed, arms outstretched, hands curled like claws, like a lion about to pounce upon his prey. His eyes and mouth were strangely closed, but he was letting out a screech-like noise--something like a mix between an evil chuckle and an angry scream. Terrified, I threw my hands up and screamed right back at him, quivering and quaking.

"STEPHEN! STEPHEN!!" I yelled when I found my voice, attempting to wake him from his sleep. Maybe if I woke him, he would realize he was asleep and not attack me! My muddled brain reasoned.

Stephen had quieted and rolled back over onto his side of the bed. "Huh?" he said, waking slightly.

"You scared me!" I cried, and he apologized and put his arms around me to comfort me...and within seconds his breathing had returned to a steady pace, and I knew he was deep in sleep again.

My sleep, however, was quite fitful for the rest of the night, constantly peeking at him out of the corner of my eye in fear that he would try something else in his sleep. He didn't, however, and we had a good laugh about it this morning. But now that something of this nature has happened, it will probably happen again, and I'm not sure I'm going to sleep well for awhile.


Ashley Nicole said...

This also is true story! And Ashley Nicole and I did have quite the laugh today over the event. Personally all I remember is waking up to a horrendous scream and me nearly standing over ashley with my arms outstretched. I laid down and attempted to comfort her. Ofcourse I fell asleep so quickly that I don't even remember anything between me laying down and waking up at 7:00.

Stephen said...

This also is true story! And Ashley Nicole and I did have quite the laugh today over the event. Personally all I remember is waking up to a horrendous scream and me nearly standing over ashley with my arms outstretched. I laid down and attempted to comfort her. Ofcourse I fell asleep so quickly that I don't even remember anything between me laying down and waking up at 7:00.

Jenna said...

OH SISTER! How truly frightening. You probably need to tie Stephen up at night or something. Or get a dog. (I hear Ernie's up for rent...)

Joey and I have discussed this story before bed for the last two nights. I told him that if that ever happened to me I'd probably just start kicking.


Anonymous said...

I am praying for you. Though Stephen has no history of violence, he is strangely ... funny! Perhaps these nocturnal happenings are just a memory of our fallen subconcious (total depravity!) . Our behaviour is often influenced by subliminal or subconcious currents so that I would suggest observing Stephen's behavior. Try to understand his thoughts, fears & desires which might be expressed in sleep but repressed during consciousness. I know you understand him better than anyone and you are his best psychologist/friend.

Anonymous said...

I am praying for you. Though Stephen has no history of violence, he is strangely ... funny! Perhaps these nocturnal happenings are just a memory of our fallen subconcious (total depravity!) . Our behaviour is often influenced by subliminal or subconcious currents so that I would suggest observing Stephen's behavior. Try to understand his thoughts, fears & desires which might be expressed in sleep but repressed during consciousness. I know you understand him better than anyone and you are his best psychologist/friend.