Sunday, November 18, 2007

The Best Birthday Ever

My birthday is not until the day after Thanksgiving, but Stephen and I celebrated it yesterday, since we'll be in Iowa for my birthday. We made a day of it, starting at 9 am by throwing cinnamon rolls into the oven. Stephen then gave me my first birthday present, which was Josh Groban's new Christmas album--fun! I was monstrous disappointed, though, because inside was a pamphlet advertising his 'Awake' album and saying it didn't come out til early '08. I had been sure it was already out and asked for it for my birthday, too. I wilted as I realized that I'd probably have to wait until next birthday to get it.

Then, Stephen gave me the best birthday present ever by sitting down with me to watch the 5 hour BBC version of Pride and Prejudice. It was a blast! And he even liked it! We broke it up by watching the first half, cleaning the house, then finishing it. We then prepared my birthday meal of Ribeyes from the farm, red potatoes with sour cream and butter sauce, and broccoli. It was delicious!

After dinner I opened my next three gifts. I was shocked when I unwrapped Josh Groban's 'Awake' album!
"This wasn't supposed to be out til next year!" I cried.
Stephen, smiled slyly. "You misread it. It's already out!" I was elated. I also got Chris Rice's new album, and This is Your Brain on Music, a book I've been wanting for months and Stephen remembered and surprised me with it! I loved them all! We then put all the new music in the player and got out all of our Christmas decorations to start decorating for Christmas (we're a little excited about Christmas this year...)

We got most of the house decorated, except for the tree, unfortunately, which we couldn't set up because we forgot to pick up the stand from the grandparents:-\ Everything else looks great though, thanks to Sister and Mom who found all this great Christmas stuff on clearance a couple years ago, and the fun stuff I got last year for 75% off. Gotta love sales. I think they only thing I am looking for this year is those stocking holders to put on our fireplace. I really want the ones that spell JOY, and I totally should have gotten them last year...Oh yeah, they weren't on sale, that's why. Hopefully this year. I am cross-stitching these awesome stockings that will hopefully be ready to put up next year.

We then had "birthday cake," which is Ben and Jerry's Smore's ice cream (I go bonkers over that stuff!). As if we hadn't eaten enough, we pulled out the popcorn maker that I got for my birthday from the grandparents (thanks guys!) and popped some delicious popcorn that we planned to eat in bed while we watched "White Christmas."

The day was so much fun, and I felt so blessed by all the wonderful gifts from my wonderful husband, that I decided I couldn't wait any longer to give him his big Christmas present. Really early. So I stuffed it into a large gift bag and he opened it. It was an afghan I've been crocheting out of homespun yarn over the last three months. He's been begging for one. It was the perfect blanket to snuggle down under, eat popcorn, and watch White Christmas. All in all, it was pretty much the best "birthday" ever, and I am once again reminded of how good God is. He isn't good because He gives me good gifts, he gives me good gifts because He is good. And for that, I give Him all the praise:-)

1 comment:

Jenna said...

You win! Happy birthday early, Sister!!! I'm real happy you got those CDs. :)