Saturday, July 12, 2008
New Address!
I have switched over to wordpress, so my blog can now be found at
Visit there to find updated posts and pictures about Europe and further happenings of life here in Chicago:-)
Friday, July 11, 2008
May 29
Day 13
It’s midnight here at the beautiful
But I must go back. I have forgotten to detail the events of the bus ride, which are worth noting. As I said, it was late, and we were all asleep when our bus began braking quickly and pulled off to the side of the road. I sat up and looked out the window to see a police car, lights flashing, leading our bus into a gas station. A buss began on the bus as to what might be going on We were driving through
“Everyone get your passport out,” someone said, and we all began rummaging through our things to find them. Of course, tonight was the first time on the entire trip that I didn’t actually have my passport on my person, so I began tearing through my backpack in search of it. At last I located it and felt safe. Someone reported from the front that the police man was talking to our
So back at the Krsyal hotel in
We had a concert downton tonight, and the church was going to provide us with our dinner, as usual. But when we got there, they had break and apples…that was it. Not enough to sustain for a two hour concert! A whisper soon went through the chorale that we would be ordering pizza after the concert. Whew. A funny thing about
Speaking of the pizza, back to our late night dinner.
Morning Mumblings
However, at about 8:01, I was rudely awakened by what sounded like a chain saw right outside my window. Discombobulated, I rolled over and tried to return to my slumber. But it was not to be. The chain saw was incessant and very loud, and I finally jumped out of bed to see what all the ruckus was about. It sounded as if someone was cutting down a tree right in front of our bedroom.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
To Bike or not to Bike
- The wicked winter weather
- I can't store the thing in my apartment, so I'd have to pay to have it stored elsewhere
- Bikes (or parts of them) get stolen all the time, no matter how many safeguards you have
- It is really dangerous in Chicago
This last point may be emphasized by some recent events. A biker was hit and killed outside our building a couple of weeks ago. Skip and Cassidy were out for a walk and witnessed the horrible aftermath of the crash. He was only 22.
I have had one friend who has hit a biker, and another friend who has been hit by a car while biking. And just yesterday, as I was returning from my internship, I was wondering why on earth traffic was so bad at that particular moment, when I heard sirens all around me and saw a fire engine pull up and stop in front of me. It was then that I noticed the man lying in the middle of the road and the bike beside him. I think he was okay in the end, but it reminded me of just how dangerous it is to bike the roads of Chicago.
But the question remains--is it the drivers who are dangerous, or the bikers themselves? After observing for almost three years, I have to say it is both. Drivers are impatient (especially taxis) and think they can whip around a turning car whenever they want without checking their mirrors. But bikers think they own the road on their small skinny two wheeled contraptions. Few wear a helmet and even fewer actually abide by the rules.
I drive every day this summer to and from my internship, and I have been so nervous about these bikers. I am constantly watching out for them, but they are so small and quick. One minute they're there, the next they're gone. One's driving at you, one beside you, and one crossing in the middle of the road. The next is weaving in and out of cars at a stoplight and crossing, though he should know he is considered a moving vehicle and should be abiding by the same laws as cars.
When a biker is hit, who is usually suspected first? The car driver. But the more I witness, the more concerned I become about these bikers putting their own lives at risk. If you are a driver, please be aware of bikers' presence and always check blind spots! If you are a biker, please remember you are not the only vehicle on the road and stick to the rules.
And so I continue to remain bikeless in Chicago. Maybe someday when I live in the country...:-)
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
May 23, 2008
We've spent the day and night in Salzburg, Austria. Stephen and I split up for the day, and I went to the Sound of Music tour, and Stephen went up to the Salzburg Castle. I am really glad I went on the tour (I would have regretted it if I didn't), but it was expensive, and a little disappointing, and then I didn't get to go to the castle after all, and now I'm back, and I have no clue where Stephen is, and I'm starving. We got to see more of the Sound of Music film scenes outside the tour than we did on the tour! But I got a lot of good pictures.
Rachel, Shira, and I attempting to do what seven people did for the movie
Somehow we all came down at the exact angle...Authentic Apple Struedel The lane which Captain von Trapp and the barroness drive down. There should be some "local urchins" hanging from the trees:-)
Jessica and I outside the back and interior of the Von Trapp home (film version)
May 22, 2008
We are in Lagenthal, Germany. We finally got to spend the night at a host home last night! They were SO sweet. They spoke and understood English fairly well. They had a two-year old and a five-year old. Their house was very interesting. I understand Ikea a lot more. Their house was narrow and storage space was not built in to the house. It was added in shelves, armoires, etc. But all were separate entities--no closets. They are coming to Chicago in September and we hope to have them over. Both concerts have gone very well. Last night at the end, they were clapping and I said "they are clapping very rhythmically" And David said "oh, that means 'sing one more'." That was their encore! So we sang 'Witness,' of course.
I love being in this group! It is so much a second family to me. I have never felt such a sense of belonging anywhere else.
I love Europe. I always knew I would, but I really do love it! (side note, they don't seem to sleep with sheets, here. How odd!).
May 21, 2008
Things that fascinate us on this trip:
- having to pay for the "water closet"
- seeing people in fields picking things. By hand.
- everyone driving small compact cars
- most people being bilingual
- the amount of mopeds and bicycles in Geneva
- bicycles--and cars--driving on sidewalks
- pedestrians do NOT have the right of way
- the gracious and helpful people
- no screens on windows...why???
- the Alps
- no air conditioning
- the price of food...and gas
- Swiss chocolat
- seeing George Clooney in a windowfront in a watch advertisement
- tunnels so long that even Rachel can't hold her breath all the way through them
- the trees
- not having clothes dryers
Some things are awe-some, some things are "you've got to be kidding me!" It amazes me how indulgent our culture is. How much we expect--how much we take for granted. Things I've never thought about actually being a luxury--not a necessity. I expected to find some of these things in third world countries, but not here. But we really are so pampered as a whole--we don't even think about it.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
May 20, 2008
The most amazing day ever! I don't have time to detail it all here, but hopefully tomorrow. Where do I begin? Well, first, a bunch of guys were going around knocking on our doors trying to find American girls to party with--at one am last night! They accidentally got Mr. Ed and he gave them the what's up, then went down to the desk and reported them. Things should be quieter tonight:-)
We spent the day touring Geneva. We saw Calvin's Cathedral, chapel, chair, his Bible--I held a real Geneva Bible from 1589! We bought Swiss chocolate, sang downtown and invited people to come to our concert, had a Swiss lunch and hung out with Selma (one of the ladies from our host church). Then we climbed the towers of Calvin's Cathedral! Incredible! Then we got dressed and headed to the concert...amazing! NEVER had an experience like it! By quarter 'til, the massive cathedral, seating 1,000 people, was packed, and when we began, people had filled every seat (even ours), and were standing and sitting on the floor--for a two hour concert! The people were amazing--singing in the place was out of this world!!!!
At the end of the concert, our CDs were flying off the tables and people were handing us 100 francs and saying "keep the change"! Media photographers were there snapping thousands of pictures for who knows what. They fed us "first and second supper" in the side chapel-which was magnificent! It was fun to speak un petite peu French. I almost cried a couple of times when the words were so meaningful--singing The Elijah's "And let their hearts again be turned to thee" in what used to be a Reformed cathedral, now an Episcopalian meeting hall in a godless city. That was my prayer not only that evening, but for the rest of the tour.
The Reformation Wall